Winners: Gen Y Founder Diaries


What an exciting four weeks it’s been! We are honoured to have had seven amazing young women share their journey with us. While our search for entrepreneurial Gen Ys has ended, the journey continues for them and we shall follow their progress with great interest.

Our top 5 Gen Y Founder Diaries were selected based on the following criteria:

  • number of votes received and comments on all posts
  • number of unique visits to all posts
  • quality of content

The winners will continue blogging about their entrepreneurial journey on the Gen Y Founder Diaries until August 2013.

1. Adelle Cousins, Perth, blogger Where The Style Things Are

Adelle Cousins

Readers loved these posts:

2. Iona Yeung, Sydney, owner of Pretty Pickles

Iona Yeung

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3.  Ebony Centazzo, Melbourne, owner of Cat Napping Suburban Retreat

ebony centazzo

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4. Cyndie Bowen, Sydney, owner of Europe in a Box

Cyndie _650px

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5. Sarah Claire, Brisbane, Buttons by Sarah Claire

Sarah Claire

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Top 5 Posts

The top 5 posts are ranked based on the number of unique visits the page received.

1. Dear boss, I quit. Here’s why… by Ebony Centazzo

2. What doesn’t kill you by Adelle Cousins

3. Why introverts rule in business by Ebony Centazzo

4. My business, my baby by Katya Baxter

5. (tie) How to keep a diary by Courtney Symes

5. (tie) Sometimes you need to fail to succeed by Iona Yeung


Robelen Bajar

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